Letting Type Talk 03 & 04

In today’s digital age, it can be easy to forget those who created the blueprints for the typefaces we use daily, those who shaped the world of design and visual culture before screens even existed, and those who crafted typography and imbued vigor and life into the arrangements they were used in. These are pioneers who placed the importance in the design on "letting type talk." Skilled craftsmen like this still exist and work today, but Letting Type Talk aims to shine the light on those who carved the path for modern typography, and dedicates itself to the designers today who embrace this heritage and continue their legacy of stressing the importance of type being central to the design and the message.

Each issue highlights one specific designer, displaying both their famous and lesser-known works, as well as a look into their unique methods of working with type. Each issue also comes with a set of 4 postcards based on the work of the designer.

The second set of entries includes the work of Philippe Apeloig and Herb Lubalin - two typographers who favor typographic expression over strictly informational text, and are very playful in their use and arrangement of letterforms.


Letting Type Talk/03 - Philippe Apeloig

The third in this series is titled "An Expression in Letterforms" and covers the choreographed typography of native-Parisian designer Philippe Apeloig.


Letting Type Talk/04 - Herb Lubalin

The fourth in this series is titled "Not Just Another Typographer" and covers the tissue sketches and type lock-ups of American designer Herb Lubalin.


Junction Typeface & Specimen


Letting Type Talk 01 & 02